Well hello there visitor, welcome to my site, the third edition. I've added a few more pages as well as a download section for all those RoR people who needs em. Also, if you have any site make sure you tell me by zm'ing me in RoR aight?

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Mustard's Poem
I say its ab0uT tiMe
TháT I bu$t oût DiS rhyme
Tó sh0w TháT asian dESign$
aR£ tRuly DiViNe
C0z iTs aLL bout D AzN
We're $prEAd aRouNd D nat1oN
I caNt de@L wiTh aLL DiS hat1n
Dat aLL DiS niggaz b crEat1n
WuT? U wANa tRy N tAkE mE,
Try N Vi0LatE mE, JuSt c0z u hAte Me
U b TrYiN Tó aNniHilaTe Me?
I sAy Fl_lCK U N uR LiL BytCh @$$ kRew
tRy & stEp bytCh, iLL $h0w y0u wUt I cAn Do
I'ma buSt Ya Lip w/ mAh Kung Fu Grip!